
Articles + stories 

Amid the dynamic shifts in the media landscape, businesses are leaning into owned media strategies. Whether connecting with internal teams or external audiences, successful brand journalism revolves around discovering that sweet spot where audience interests align with our organizational expertise. By artfully crafting content that resonates authentically at this intersection, we meet their needs with a personal touch.

Fact sheets 

Developed for Family Caregiver Alliance, these resources offer vital support for caregivers of adults facing physical and cognitive challenges. I updated existing fact sheets, ensuring accuracy, and researched new topics, collaborating with FCA and subject matter experts for final reviews. Crafted with caregivers in mind, these materials simplify complex information, emphasizing readability for an enhanced reader experience.

Blog posts 

Much of the blog writing I did while at Kaiser Permanente was aimed at cross promotion. The organization had multiple communication channels to meet its many audiences, so we would regularly use content on one site to drive people to content on other KP sites. It was often an opportunity to write less formally.

Interviews + Q&As 

Examples of conversations with C-level executives, thought leaders, and subject matter experts that were published to one of KP’s blog sites and cross promoted to specific internal audiences.

Annual reports

Background: The challenge with an annual report is not only how to boil down a year’s worth of milestones, progress and initiatives into a few pages, but also how to create a summary that people actually want to peruse. That’s when an experienced graphic design team becomes invaluable.

My role: I was the content lead/project manager for these two reports at a time when the organization was shifting away from printed versions toward digital. I was responsible for tracking and communicating status on content assets, statistics and other key data, as well as collaborating with the design team. I did a good share of copyediting and multiple rounds of proofreading, too.

On a project like this that touches so many parts of the organization and has a short turnaround time, support from executive leadership is vital. With impressive stakeholder engagement, we had quick access to subject matter experts, content sources, and multimedia. It made all the difference in terms of managing workflow and deadlines.



  • Web copy

  • Complex marketing collateral, case studies, and media materials for medical device clients

    • Toshiba America Medical Systems (e.g., CT, MRI)

    • Bausch & Lomb (LASIK)

    • Imagyn Medical Technologies (Brachytherapy)

  • Articles ghostwritten for clients

  • Workshop curriculum

  • Speeches and talking points

  • UX writing (text and microcopy on a digital interface that guides the user through the experience)

  • Conversation design (for AI bots and personas)

