Interactive Apps
Background: As a leading national integrated health insurer and care provider, Kaiser Permanente wanted to expand its influence and impact by creating "a place to talk about health" -- to share, develop, and accelerate ideas that improve total health around the world.
The center, located in Washington, D.C., would include several digital exhibits, each featuring its own interactive app, including an 80-foot-long touch-screen wall.
Our primary audience was health influencers, but the exhibits had to be accessible to consumers as well.
My role: I was the content team lead for this project.
As such a high-profile project, stakeholder management addressed not just executives, but key subject matter experts across the organization, and it included the extensive review and approval process of content assets.
With a technology vendor, we created detailed, interactive apps for touch-screen exhibits. The tech vendor handled the navigational and other UI elements. Any text related to KP or health care was my responsibility. So grateful for SMEs!
We filmed interviews with more than 80 people -- health influencers, directors from the CDC and NIH, researchers, clinicians, patients and consumers.
I scouted and screened participants, developed interview prep, and staffed the shoot -- I was on set to interview, but also to help guide participants through nerves or past clinical jargon.
The initial content development was a huge project, and we also substantially refreshed content in the following years. We experienced many challenges — some expected, and some very much not. Our team and leadership on the project were phenomenal. It remains one of the most satisfying experiences of my career.